Sunday 8 October 2017


United States Pharmacopeia (USP) Reference Standard

Synonym: 2-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-3,5,7-trihydroxy-4H-1-

benzopyran-4-one dihydrate, 3,3′,4′,5,7-

Pentahydroxyflavone dihydrate, Quercetin dihydrate

·         CAS Number 6151-25-3

·         Empirical Formula (Hill Notation) C15H10O7 · 2H2O

·         Molecular Weight 338.27
·          Beilstein Registry Number 317313

·          Colour Index Number 75670


Related Categories
>300 °C(lit.)

Quercetin  is a flavonol found in many fruits, vegetables, leaves, and grains. It can be used as an ingredient in supplements, beverages, or foods.
Detailed description

Health effects

While quercetin supplements have been promoted for prevention and treatment of cancer, "there is no reliable clinical evidence that quercetin can prevent or treat cancer in humans".[2] Also, there is no evidence that consuming foods rich in quercetin reduces the risk of cancer or any other disease.[3]
Quercetin supplements have also been promoted for the treatment of a wide spectrum of other diseases.[4] However, the European Food Safety Authority evaluated possible health claims associated with consumption of quercetin, and found that no cause-and-effect relationship has been established for any physiological effect in human health or diseases.[5]

Drug interactions

Quercetin is contraindicated with some antibiotics; it may interact with fluoroquinolones (a class of antibiotics), as quercetin competitively binds to bacterial DNA gyrase. Whether this inhibits or enhances the effect of fluoroquinolones is not certain.[6]
As paclitaxel is metabolized primarily by CYP2C8, its bioavailability may be increased unpredictably by quercetin, potentially leading to harmful side effects.

$933725.75/KG OR $424420.79/IB

For more information:

mobile: +2348039721941

contact person: emeaba uche


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